Too many passwords easy to hack in business!
Hackers really don't have to rack their brains to break into a company's server. As proof, the enormous wave of cyberattacks of December 2020 against SolarWinds which would have been caused by the use of a "solarwinds123" password. Orion editor is not the only one to use weak passwords, as the study of Nordpass demonstrates.
Based on more than 15 million breaches that have affected Fortune Global 500 companies, this survey clearly shows that mistakes are as glaring in the business world as anyone's. We thus discover that the most used passwords are "password", "123456", "Hello123" or "sunshine". These are short, non-complex passwords that are common to dozens of companies.
Too many passwords easy to hack in business |
Company name as password ...
For this study, the researchers then divided the companies by sector of activity, and we thus discovered that one of the most used passwords in the health sector is “vacation”. In the hotel industry, the name of the establishment is most often used, and it is obviously very easy to find for a hacker. Nordpass notes that 20% of passwords include the name of the company.
Another major concern is the use of a single password for the entire company. For example, in the human resources industry, over 30% of companies use a single password for everyone. On average, this figure is 26% in the professional world, and it is all the more problematic that this password can be used for several different services.
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